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"Prayer that Brings Glory to God"
By Kim Butts
The Westminster Shorter Catechism asks and answers many questions about the Christian faith. The first question asks: “What is the chief end of man?”
The answer? “Man’s chief end is to glorify God, and to enjoy him forever.”
Here is a short prayer guide to help us shape our prayers so they glorify God.
"Don't Forget the Food"
My 9-year-old grandson, Jack, seems to have a heart for prayer. I have noticed that recently when he was eating at Grammy and Grampy’s and we asked him if he would pray our before-meal prayer. He gladly agreed and then took off praying.
"Unhindered Prayer Warriors"
Hannah walked slowly into her evening Bible study group, teary-eyed. Her dad had turned himself in that afternoon to begin serving a one-year prison sentence. No one noticed her coming in; they were already busy amongst themselves. No one, that is, except Faith, a newcomer to the group who had been invited just that morning.
"When Prayers Are Not Answered"
By Elizabeth Schmus
Sitting on a deserted park bench, I cried out to the Lord in anguish. Was it really my fault my parents divorced? What about when my baby died? Was that my fault? And my cancer? Was it my fault God did not answer yes to many other desperate prayers?
Read more . . .
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